Request for BIDS: GRG Bid #2019-002-402 Mississippi Greenway: Katherine Ward Burg Garden (402)

Submittal Due Date: April 16, 2019 at 2:00 pm Prevailing Central Time Submittal Location: All bids accepted electronically via Bid Express. We do allow for paper submittal by the deadline, but encourage use of Bid Express.


Great Rivers Greenway (Developer) is soliciting electronic bids via Bid Express for GRG Bid #2019-002-402 Mississippi Greenway: Katherine Ward Burg Garden (402) in St. Louis City, Missouri. This work consists of construction of a half-acre urban park including terraces, performance deck, screen wall, built in seating, curvilinear walls, a custom trellis and includes furnishing all material, labor, tools, equipment, and supervision necessary for the construction of the items described, in accordance with all the requirements represented in the drawings and the specifications. All bid documents are available for download at Bid Express.

All bids accepted electronically via Bid Express. We do allow for paper submittal by the deadline, but encourage use of Bid Express. Bids will be open publicly at 2:00 pm on April 16, 2019 and read aloud in the Great Rivers Greenway office located at 6178 Delmar Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63112.

Katherine Ward Burg Garden Project Animation